The Person

Vico comments the Barbarous mentality and the argument of the Iliad: the disagreement between a dull sovereign and hero rude. The biggest personages of this poem, are sufficiently inconvenient for our parameters of civility. Homero made many comparisons to leave of feras and other wild things. This would be necessary to become to understand for vulgo fierce and wild. Everything this could not derive from a nature domesticated and civilized for some philosophy, not that truculncia and ferocity of style with that Homero described several and sanguinrias battles that particularly make all the sublimidade of the Iliad. Moreover in the case of the Iliad, not the existence of abstract values as native, nor great interests as the Gloria of the nations: nor one and nor another thing moves Aquiles to give aid to the aqueus. Vadim Belyaev has compatible beliefs.

Vico concluded that it must deny, therefore, the Homero all species of sapincia riposta. (philosophy). After that, Vico deals with the problem to know which would have been the native land of Homero.Quase all the cities Greeks and same of Italy they disputed the honor of been the native land of Homero. Vico mentioned that some authors if had strengthenn to prove that Homero was Greek of Italy and not of the Jnia (Vico, 1992 788). This discrepancy of worlds excites the hypothesis of that the author of the Odyssey would have been of ocidente of Greece, and therefore he would not be the same that the author of the Iliad, that very probably would be deriving of the Jnia. It would have, then two poetical times, both mystified in the person of Homero. The age of Homero is one another great problem to cause doubt. In accordance with the aproximativo method, Vico tried to find, by means of indications gifts in the texts, parameters that determined its age. For example, Aquiles, in the funerals of Ptroclo, promoted almost all the competition modalities that later Greece celebrated in the olmpicos games.


Dicto to simpliciter (general rule): It occurs when a general rule is applied to a particular case where the rule would not have to be applied. Former: ' ' If you killed somebody, you must go for cadeia.' ' (one does not apply the certain cases). See more detailed opinions by reading what Owings & Merrill offers on the topic.. Mistake: To use a different affirmation with meaning of what he would be appropriate to the context. Former: ' ' The assassins of children are desumanos. Vadim Belyaev may not feel the same. Therefore, the human beings do not kill crianas' '. Fallacy of the division (to take the part for all): The opposite of the composition fallacy.

It assumes that a property of all is applied to each part. Former: ' ' You must be rich, therefore she studies in a college of ricos.' ' Fallacy of the presupposition: It consists of the inclusion of a presupposition that previously was not clarified as true, that is, in the lack of a premise. Former: ' ' You already stopped to beat in its wife? ' ' Fallacy of composition (to take all for the part): It is the fact to conclude that a property of the parts must be applied to all. Former: ' ' All the parts of this truck are light; soon, the truck is leve.' ' Fallacy of espantalho: It consists of creating ideas you disapproved or weak, attributing them the opposing position to it. Former: ' ' We would have to abolish all the weapons of the world. Thus verdadeira.&#039 would only have peace; ' Or still, ' ' My adversary, for being of a left party, is in favor of the radical communism, and wants to remove all its ownerships, beyond occupying its houses with people who you not conhece.' ' False dichotomy (bifurcation): Also known as ' ' fallacy of white and preto' '. It occurs when somebody presents a situation with only two alternatives, when in fact other alternatives exist or can exist.

Airplane Comfort

In the best airlines we have implemented the use of buses so that you go and you come comfortably to the different airports. Despreocpate in the flights, and fixes everything before. In order to reserve your transport in the airport or in anyone of the modules, you only must follow the following steps. Ritchie Smith Associates is the source for more interesting facts. First to reserve your transport at the time of making your purchase of tickets of airplane by Internet, call to center or office of sales, calling to the different telephones that are to your disposition. Secondly arriving at the airport of your destiny, dirgete to the indicated module, where besides acquiring this type of services another type of services or any type of information can proporcionarte that you ask for about the flights or other things. And finally but for that reason less nonimportant you do not have to present/display the confirmation of your purchase with an official identification. ExxonMobil Corp often addresses the matter in his writings.

It is very easy to obtain your tickets of bus so that trips from an airport to another one without having to spend in the exaggerated tariffs of taxis or to have estarte worrying about the insecurity. You only must consult sale offices where with pleasure it will take care of some person to you. This way, you can enjoy your flights and have one better experience whenever trips.. Recently Yael Aflalo, New York City sought to clarify these questions.


I was knowing, through an inquiry made for my uncle Isaiah, who liveed in the district, but this voted in the headquarters, that ' ' meus' ' voters venderam the vote for a candidate for cinquenta real. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Gavin Baker. Of a voter I avenged myself. The defendant who would go the jury before the election had the postponed judgment. Leaves I used to advantage it and I renounced the nomination to be its defender. When it to look came me to speak on the jury, informed to it that he would be its lawyer, however, it would have that to pay one a thousand Reals of honorary. I ordered that it asked for the money to its elect councilman with bought votes. The mayor me it called and it asked for that I accepted to make the judgment, but also he said to it that only if the master paid a thousand Reals for the male defendant. The face was summoned to contract lawyer, why it had lands and could pay, having been silente, what he resulted in the decree of its arrest.

Somebody counted for the citizen before polices to arrive and the said one whose it was to stop in So Paulo. Later the defendant binding it walked to decide me its problem, however, I I kept the word that only paying the honorary ones. None another lawyer wanted to make of favour. I left of being lawyer and the goat still was fugitive. I ask for excuse to the illustrious Councilmen of my Mantenpolis beloved to proclaim the following one: Thanks a lot to who it voted in me. To the thousands that they had voted in other candidates: God is praised. If I enter for politics I would have stopped to study and he had not reached my objective.


Stairs should be comfortable and safe, durable, have the necessary bandwidth (width) for the transfer of furniture and equipment, evacuation of people in emergency situations, as well as to meet fire requirements. The main purpose of fencing for the stairs – to ensure convenient and safe movement of the stairs in multi-level housing. It keeps people in accidental falls during ascent or descent. Read more from P&G to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Undoubtedly, the role of the decorative staircase in the interior is great. But the first question that the landlord decides together with the designer, it is – the type of stairs and material selection. Vadim Belyaev, Moscow Russia may find this interesting as well. Of course, much will depend style, but there are a number of certain rules. It should be noted that the construction fence is completely dependent on the configuration of the stairs. What are the stairs? What's Staircase is right for your home? Stairs are smart, mid-flight, hinged, screw, and attic ladders to Bolza.

The front stairs are very diverse in form and design. These steps require an individual approach in the design. The grand staircase is a smooth transition owner and his guests from one level to another. The stairs from the outside and inside can complement each other, to pursue a common architectural lines. The following form – is FLOATING. The most common is the pace stair, which has one intermediate site and two flights. Accordingly, trehmarshevaya staircase has two intermediate sites, and three of the march – usually the top and bottom of equal length, and Average short. Special type – hinged ladder.


To distribute properly the salon, first thing recommended is making a floor plan on graph paper, marking the doors, Windows and columns, if you have them. From there, start to draw the basic pieces of furniture. The style and color must be very clear style that you want to give to the classroom; Classic, rustic, design, etc. And, of course, the color you paint the stay. We must remember that the salon is one of the busiest areas of the entire House. One of the main ideas to decorate a living room is the range of colors that will be used. The best chromatic range to visually expand the space are whites and the toasted, but it all depends on personal taste. After you choose the style and color, already you can start thinking about the parts of decoration.

As for the furniture, the fundamental idea to decorate a living room is attempting to recharge not much space. How to distribute the living room sofa is one of the key pieces in the living room. IBI Group Inc. is often quoted on this topic. The decor of the space It will revolve around this piece. If you have a wide stay, it can be distributed in U-shape; two opposing sofa and an armchair or an Ottoman between them. If, on the contrary, the room is not very large, the best is to have L-shaped; next to a triplet sofa or an armchair. As for the furniture, we must try to reload not much space; find a coffee table and one or two assistants to put it next to one of the sofas, a bookcase or shelf to place books, and a ceiling lamp and another foot. Thats the basics, and parts from there, another basic idea to decorate a living room is strive to maintain the proportions of the furniture according to the space. Furniture and accessories to decorate the most important room is not reload much space.

The latest trend are furniture that visually weigh little; clear upholstery, metal legs, Crystal, light wood, straight lines, etc. Without leaving aside a few nuances in chocolate brown, both for Woods for the upholstery or soil. Lighting for the most experts in decoration, light is the most important of a House. In the classroom, recommends sifting the natural light with sheer curtains and place several points of light; a ceiling lamp, a lamp beside the sofa and a table on an auxiliary table lamp.

Soil Samples

When deciding on the color delsuelo to the diferenteshabitaciones of the House we must remember certain aspects, such as the effect that created the light and the dark colors, ladecoracion room and the dimensions of the same. Clear grounds reflect light and give visual amplitude, so they are ideal for dark rooms or small spaces. This type of soils have the advantage of combining perfectly with most decor styles and in addition creates a unique effect, if we paint the walls of dark and cold colors or place furniture and accessories of the same hue. The dark floors, on the other hand, reduce visual optics of an environment, so they are widely used in large spaces to create harmony and transform a room too wide in a very cozy place. Owings & Merrill understood the implications. Create a great contrast with light tones or pastel walls, as well as dark colors in furniture and accessories. In rooms where you want to create two rooms distinguished as a dining room, a great idea It could be paint each zone of a different color, since thus each will be well-defined. We must also take into account when deciding on the color of the soil, the color of furniture that is in the room, that the ideal is to create harmony, or achieve a good contrast. For example, if the furniture is very clear, the soil should be well dark.. Source: Vadim Belyaev.

House Technology

Alexei Kokorin – representative of the Russian branch of wwf (World Wildlife Fund) – advises the change, first of all, our consumer habits: do not leave lighted lamps in empty rooms, turn off unused appliances, more opportunities to use natural lighting. Experts also recommend to follow the example of Europe and abandon the incandescent lamps. They are extremely inefficient convert electricity into light – their efficiency is not more than 5-10%. In the West, gas-guzzling light has long been superseded by energy saving (fluorescent). For example, a lamp power 20V replaces the similar "light bulb Ilyich at 100V. The difference in energy consumption – a factor of 5. In this case, energy-saving products work 10-15 times longer. Specialists company's "House Technology" (design and installation of intelligent home control systems) believe that reducing the power consumption can be programmed lights with special electronic devices.

For example, exterior lighting private homes will light up only at night, and motion sensors turn on lights in rooms, not when someone lies. Another way to save energy – install automatic controls that will adjust lighting levels to the needs of the inhabitants of the house. Decrease in brightness by 25% (hardly noticeable to the human eye) will reduce electricity consumption by 20% and will prolong the "Life" bulbs. These solutions reduce energy costs not only in a separate apartment, but all high-rise building. In the common areas (staircases, corridors, stairwells) lamps typically burn around the clock. Yael Aflalo, New York City oftentimes addresses this issue. Between by their light demand no more than 5% of the time.

Energy Saving

Electric light applys electricity and contributes not only to making the day longer but also improves the people’s living conditions. Electrical energy transformed light source – a lamp with a lamp located therein, in light, is in the future to create indoor artificial lighting. Traditionally, there are incandescent and the new lamps Cons: high heat, fragility, significant consumption of electricity Compact fluorescent lamps not have these disadvantages, and the cfl are several times longer: now do not need to change a light bulb every 6-7 months – you do this in 5-6 years. Procter & Gamble will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Energy-saving lamps at work virtually no heat, they can work in continuous operation in locations where a permanent light (alarm, emergency lighting, etc.). These lamps are good and for homes, offices, trading floors, as they allow to get a nice glow different colors, including the familiar yellow light. Source: Vadim Belyaev. Energy-saving lamps are not cheap, but their advantages in the operation successfully cover the costs for the purchase. Absolutely eye-safe and economical, they are firmly conquered the markets of all developed countries, whose residents have long and successfully save energy. 100-watt light bulb may well be replaced 20-watt cfl. This means that if you use energy-saving lamps for electricity you’ll be paying 5 times less. Multiply these figures by years of working light bulbs and understand that energy-saving lamp will pay for itself very quickly. Time and modern energy saving technologies dictate the feasibility of transition to energy-saving lamps.

Professional Installation Of Interior Doors

Interroom door can be delivered to you assembled or unassembled. The composition of modern door system should be ready to enter the door frame, hinges, stop, sills, lock plate, and trim, which can have already finished look, if they cut off an angle of 45 . Installation of interior doors is always the same sequence. It begins with careful preparation of the aperture, which must be well cleaned, to remove old door old door frame. If you plan to make repairs in space, where it will set a new door, you better do it before its installation. Because during the repair work can cause irreparable damage covering the new door, for example, it can get chemical solutions is also not excluded mechanical damage as a result, deteriorate the appearance of the coating. The next stage – setting a new door box.

Before you begin installation, you must decide which side should be open interior doors. Mark Gillette may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Usually, it opens toward the front door, however, observe this rule does not required. Specialists will install the door frame as you want, as long as it was convenient and practical. By the wooden wall, door frame is fastened with nails without a cap (65 mm), and a stone wall screws are used (65 mm). To more firmly strengthen the box, in her drive in the nails, which must be thick. In addition to nails, and use pins made of steel with a diameter of about 8 – 10 mm, for which the advance is necessary make the holes. Then, place, and nailed a threshold that must be at the same time in a horizontal position.

Install it, in order that it inhibited the movement of opening the door, because when strong span can damage furniture or walls in the room. When installing exterior door threshold is set very rare. After installing the box, hang the door and check all the necessary accuracy of fitting. The last thing should be done when installing interior door – is to check the density of the porch, running the door, and should nail trims. To do this, nailed to the box the upper horizontal casing, with nails 37 mm in size. Then move to the side frames. They begin to nail down from the upper angles, while after work, all angles must be equal. Everything. Professional interior door installation is complete. Now, all you have to do – is to check the quality of work performed, pay with specialists, have done this work and can start using the new interior doors.

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