Monthly Archives: February 2019

Employment Contract

Tips on how not to be cheated by the employer under an employment contract. Employment contract – a document to be concluded between employer and employee working conditions and labor relations. The employment contract: what pay attention to? Many people are looking for jobs in their field, well-paid and prestigious course. And suddenly they find exactly the job of their… (more…)

Tony Buzan

For example, if you choose the building of your faculty in the University as your Palace of memory, you could put the list above (computer, clock, beach, underwater, Leon, bottle, Eagle, camera photos, poster, book) in one of the laboratories of practice, associating each object in the list with objects inside that classroom. You could associate another list of objects… (more…)

Brazilian Life

Destecaos ahead urban, worried modern urbanism in saving the life in cidadesjunto appeared varies it chains of thoughts, pautados ideas and concepts naqualidade of the ambient life in the urban way, primando for exignciassanitaristas and tracing new concepts of what it would be the ideal city in termosde housing, circulation, urban drawing, among others. To put one of the biggest… (more…)

Matthias Kramer

Analyze and plan via finger pressure / support for big-data documented technological innovation Freiburg scenarios / name change, December 06, 2011 the Jedox AG, a provider of business intelligence (BI)-solutions, introduces new version of its BI Suite: the new release 3.3 is now available. At the same time, the Freiburger change the product name of the Premium Edition of Palo… (more…)

Regal School

The Victory-Regal School for a moment passes of changes in the conception of education and learning, and according to employee of the school, all change is a challenge, with creation of (P.P.P) the Plan Pedagogical Politician expects that the especificidades of the pupils of the field are contemplated, in this new conception that already follows theoretically in the P.P.P and… (more…)

Different Types Of Wood Furniture

While there are different types of wood that can be used to build wooden furniture, there are some that are more preferred for their durability and their good looks. Hardwoods such as oak, maple, walnut and cherry are the best wood for making furniture. Wood should be baked to dry, this will not distort. Choose a solid choice oak furniture… (more…)

Application Plywood

Plywood is a sheet building material made from natural wood. The layers of veneer glued together, and, the direction of fibers in each alternate: the first is a longitudinal, in the second – cross in the third again lengthwise, etc. To improve the resistance of the material in bending and torsion fiber veneer can be placed at angles of 30… (more…)

Frameless Furniture

Most recently, in 2008, celebrated its anniversary fashionable nowadays frameless furniture. It has long gained popularity among residents of Europe and America. The idea of creation belonged to three young Italian architects: Piero Gatti, Cesare Paolini and Franco Teodoro. In 1968, they appealed to the leadership of Turin Zanotta furniture factory with the idea of manufacturing frameless chair. Name it… (more…)

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