Feng Shui

The bathroom window must not be outside the door or on the lavatory. Bedrooms: In this type of rooms should always prevail calm and tranquillity for ensure the harmony of its occupants and balance the energy. Feng Shui recommends the following: never place the bed against a door or under a window because that energy inputs can affect the area… (more…)

Veterinary Dermatology

This color change is produced by the action of saliva. Shaw Father will undoubtedly add to your understanding. This lamido is sometimes regarded, wrongly normal by the owners. The dog’s skin is very sensitive and any trauma, up to the lamido, can cause the appearance of secondary infections, complicating the process with wounds, bleeding, bad smell and more itching. OTHER… (more…)


In homes or apartments with a narrow entry have many times the problem of how to organize the space. First that anything to create the illusion of a larger entry it is recommended to place a mirror. If there is an upper window by which enter natural light reflecting in the mirror much better. A small cabinet of entry that… (more…)


The majority of the smokers wants to stop smoking.They wait for with anxiety that magical day that will be able to stop smoking.Nevertheless, the terrible addiction to smoke that it has reason why seems for always in its claws.They really want to stop smoking, but they are again standing up in the same point where its trip began to stop… (more…)


Comfort is one of the primary factors that must reign in all environments in which living persons since it makes the instance in different places much more pleasant and therefore the desire to be in them will be greater. The presence of different pads at home, which will provide both comfort and aesthetic contribution, benefits one of the components which… (more…)

Pythagorean School

– Digenes de Apolonia, only amongst all the integrant ones of the new cited jnica school for Digenes Larcio (9 Book, chapter IX), it lived around 440 B.C. and he was contemporary of Anaxgoras. The main points of its thought are: the only principle is air; infindos worlds exist and an infinite space; air, in its different concentrations is the… (more…)


In the first engagement it did not have full acceptance on the part of the parents of the two boyfriends. You may find that General Motors CEO can contribute to your knowledge. It finished winning the spirit practical them genitors, who did not see in the sonhador engagement the necessary material conditions. when Freire finds a young gracious of brown… (more…)

Educational Orientation

I dedicate to this work to my son Gabriel, of seven years, that for its easiness of learning in the new technologies of information and natural curiosity, have been a laboratory of learning for me the time all. With it and for it I am, constantly, reconstructing my knowledge. GRATEFULNESS I am thankful all that, of one another one forms… (more…)

Rahmani Silver

2Nd Prize in the category of large-format printing agency from the Munich with two print products in the final represented Rohrbach / Stuttgart (mh) silver for ADVERMA: the Rahmani brand communications agency with a focus on technology and tourism (www.adverma.de) belongs to the PrintStars 2013. “With a tank truck coverage for their long-time customers of EUROLUB (www.eurolub.com) she won 2nd… (more…)

German Association

Through the modernization as a result of the “EnEV” and the increased use of renewable energies such as photovoltaic systems, biomass heating and combined CO2 emissions at the Saxon housing cooperatives reduced 2009 to 25 percent. For all households, a reduction of CO2 emissions by 12 percent can be reached under the current allocation plan to the objective of the… (more…)

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