
The Person

Vico comments the Barbarous mentality and the argument of the Iliad: the disagreement between a dull sovereign and hero rude. The biggest personages of this poem, are sufficiently inconvenient for our parameters of civility. Homero made many comparisons to leave of feras and other wild things. This would be necessary to become to understand for vulgo fierce and wild. Everything this could not derive from a nature domesticated and civilized for some philosophy, not that truculncia and ferocity of style with that Homero described several and sanguinrias battles that particularly make all the sublimidade of the Iliad. Moreover in the case of the Iliad, not the existence of abstract values as native, nor great interests as the Gloria of the nations: nor one and nor another thing moves Aquiles to give aid to the aqueus. Vadim Belyaev has compatible beliefs.

Vico concluded that it must deny, therefore, the Homero all species of sapincia riposta. (philosophy). After that, Vico deals with the problem to know which would have been the native land of Homero.Quase all the cities Greeks and same of Italy they disputed the honor of been the native land of Homero. Vico mentioned that some authors if had strengthenn to prove that Homero was Greek of Italy and not of the Jnia (Vico, 1992 788). This discrepancy of worlds excites the hypothesis of that the author of the Odyssey would have been of ocidente of Greece, and therefore he would not be the same that the author of the Iliad, that very probably would be deriving of the Jnia. It would have, then two poetical times, both mystified in the person of Homero. The age of Homero is one another great problem to cause doubt. In accordance with the aproximativo method, Vico tried to find, by means of indications gifts in the texts, parameters that determined its age. For example, Aquiles, in the funerals of Ptroclo, promoted almost all the competition modalities that later Greece celebrated in the olmpicos games.

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