Tag Archives: furniture

Postelli Furniture

This further widened the already large range of different furniture presented on the site, and therefore to choose the right thing even easier. Internet furniture store Postelli.ru a sufficiently long time to catch gain appreciation of buyers. Visit Gavin Baker for more clarity on the issue. All furniture products presented on the site are high quality and in line with… (more…)

Stylistics Kitchen Sets

Time model interiors passed. Furniture, Italy, and its abundance, attracts our contemporaries, to be able to express in the environment and furnishing their "I" The secret is that the Italians really appreciate your personal space and invest in its improvement of its full creative potential. For them, the elite furniture – it's more than just the interior. Italian tables, chairs… (more…)


Now we can not even imagine life without a pillow. To sleep to be healthy, you must correctly pick her. Despite the large selection – making pillows based on two types of filler – both natural and synthetic. Natural fillings – natural and environmentally friendly. But they may not be suitable for people suffering from allergies. Their disadvantage is also… (more…)

Modern Furniture Kitchen

When choosing a house, we suddenly embarked on an update. Begin to make out everything in one fell swoop, and office and hallway, and toilet room. Without supervision can not, and living rooms. No matter how amazing, but most of the time spent on repairing and improving the nutrition unit. The reason for this is likely to remain in that… (more…)

Italian Polystyrene

The founder of frameless bag chair furniture was the Italian designer from Italy Ezare Paolini. At its core, seat bag is two capsules one to another with polystyrene pellets inside. Check with cupboards to learn more. The outer shell is made of artificial fur, artificial leather or any other matter, such as denim. There are also chairs bags made of… (more…)

Back Mattress

Mattresses ormatek called orthopedic, thanks to which they are intended to maintain a horizontal position the spine in the correct format. Physiologically safe form of the spine has a number of bends, such as human spinal column you will see: The vertebrae of the cervical spine man just a little bent towards the front of the torso, vertebrae – Back… (more…)

Karelian Frame

At the same time moisture content should not exceed more than 8%. Such wood is denser and therefore more durable than hardwood. But the coniferous tree can withstand heavy loads and are less prone to wear with regular mechanical effects. These effects include changes in temperature and humidity of the environment. But if you are a connoisseur of luxury furniture,… (more…)

The Door

Doors made of plastic are used in non-residential premises because of peculiarities plastic to provide some himicheskiefermenty harmful to the body. Although in recent years, new varieties of plastics used in food industry does not emit harmful vapors. However, this type of plastic and much more expensive in comparison with the tree is not competitive. Tranformiruyuschie doors and walls to… (more…)

Individual Projects

Modern furniture factories offer customers considerable choice of finished furniture products. However, pondering over how the furniture will join the custom interior of the apartment, home or office as the design and quality, many buyers are leaving the store empty-handed. Every buyer wants to have unique things that fit the rest of the decor of the room, not only size,… (more…)

Wardrobe Bathroom Cabinets

Cabinets coupe this piece of furniture that are located usually in the corners, niches and other not very “successful” local facilities. They are angular and built-in, however, there are other (less common) variants. According to the mechanism open the door coupe allocates lockers: 1) C sliding doors (moving on rollers). 2) With folding (on a Japanese screen or Russian accordion)… (more…)

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