Tag Archives: health and beauty

Buccal Health

It is not for another reason that the traditional form of treatment centered in the illness and until then hegemonic, is gradually yielding space for another type of professional attendance, whose ideology is the prevention of the illnesses and the promotion of health. For Weyne (2003, P. 4), the impact of the expressive reductions of buccal illnesses in the population,… (more…)

Infantile Education

For Collet and Oliveira (2002), in the nursing this phase can be defined as preschool, and understands of the 2 to the 6 years, approximately. Considering the affinity for the nursing studies, the characteristics of the cognitivo and social development in this phase can be pointed then related by these authors, formation nurses. The trend to the domain attempt exists… (more…)

Obsttrica Nursing

The attention to the woman in its puerperal gravdico cycle still is very focada in the tecnicista and biomedical model, that takes the woman the dispensable interventionist procedures. The unnecessary consequence of hospitalization in the childbirth and surgical interventions take to a significant increase of the index of maternal-infantile morbimortalidade and hospital infections. Beyond institutionalization of this woman in labor… (more…)

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