It is not for another reason that the traditional form of treatment centered in the illness and until then hegemonic, is gradually yielding space for another type of professional attendance, whose ideology is the prevention of the illnesses and the promotion of health. For Weyne (2003, P. 4), the impact of the expressive reductions of buccal illnesses in the population, not yet is enough strong to obtain to exclude definitive illnesses of the list of the mrbidas conditions, these in turn are the ones that more they reflect in the human beings and whose treatment mobilizes considerable volume of financial resources. Checking article sources yields cabinets as a relevant resource throughout. But, the expectations in the change of the picture epidemiologist of the buccal health come gradual improving. One of the main lies that if can get of recent changes and that the phase of pessimism epidemiologist are passing in Brazil, demonstrating the viability of the control in such a way of dental caries as other illnesses that affect the population.
The challenges that however in ahead are presented for epidemiologistas, professionals of public health, surgeon-dentists in general and for the society the expansion of benefits of the prevention of the illnesses periodontais to the side of the viabilizao of a bigger access the service of the diagnosis and protection against illnesses of risk for the life of the people. Being, therefore, that the participation of the population is basic in the process of reorganization of the odontolgicos services in the country, it affirms (YOUNG CHICKEN, 2003, p.39). 3,2 COLLECTIVE BUCCAL HEALTH In the field of the Buccal Health, the process of improvement of the Collective Buccal Health, started to gain forces when the attention in this area was institutionalized inside of the proposal, already effective, of the Program Health of Famlia (PSF), from the year of 2000. Thus the PSF, already was presented as a project that walked well, when making possible a minimum organization in the Basic Attention in Health.