Tips on how not to be cheated by the employer under an employment contract. Employment contract – a document to be concluded between employer and employee working conditions and labor relations. The employment contract: what pay attention to? Many people are looking for jobs in their field, well-paid and prestigious course. And suddenly they find exactly the job of their dreams. They are willing to do anything just not to miss this opportunity. And it’s their fault.
They sign any document that is offered to them. And it is primarily working document. And in such situations often occur crooks. By signing this employment document, you After a few months, you know, they got a penny. You are trying to restore justice, but this does not happen, because according to the employment contract, you agreed to the requirements specified therein. Since an oral agreement has no legal force. What to do? The answer is simple: ‘It is not necessary without hesitation to sign an employment contract.
” To begin, we must understand which of the below listed documents you are: 1) Civil contract 2) Fixed-term contract 3) The employment contract is 1) a civil contract – this is the best policy for employers. This contract is for the provision of certain services. What is it optimal? Meanwhile, that the employer is hedging itself against the workers. For example, if a person is not fit for this job, there are no problems with his dismissal does not arise. But if the employee is a good job with their responsibilities, then employer may adopt it for work already under an employment contract.