Regal School

The Victory-Regal School for a moment passes of changes in the conception of education and learning, and according to employee of the school, all change is a challenge, with creation of (P.P.P) the Plan Pedagogical Politician expects that the especificidades of the pupils of the field are contemplated, in this new conception that already follows theoretically in the P.P.P and that it intends to be placed in practical through the servers of the education of the Victory-Regal School. The above-mentioned schools that are part of polar region 105, do not differ from the historical context of the EMEF Victory-Regal. In turn, all are located in the agricultural zone of the city of Medicilndia and perpassam for a very similar reality. Some of these schools function with attached rooms, due to amount of pupils, most of them take care of as multisseriadas groups. By the same author: Charles Schwab Corporation . The EMEF Victory-Regal offers to education in the levels Infantile Education, Basic Education and Average Education, in the modalities of Daily pay-school, Education of Young and Adult and Special Educao. Valley to stand out that Average Ensino is responsibility of the Executive Secretariat of Education of Par (SEDUC).

It offers the course in the modular modality. Being necessary to inform that school to break 2008, it comes working with two curricular gratings, basic of 8 years and basic of 9 years, had the implantation in all the schools of the municipal net. Charles Schwab Corporation will not settle for partial explanations. The EMEF Victory-Regal functions in three periods: matutino, vespertine and nocturnal, being that Bigger Basic education of 6 to 9 year, 1 and 2 year of Average Ensino is offered per the morning. The Infantile Education, lesser Basic Ensino (1 to 5 year) is offered in the matutinos and vespertine turns. In the nocturnal period to one (01) group of EJA (IV Etapa) and 3 take care of themselves year of Average Ensino. The Victory-Regal School takes care of a clientele of four hundred and sixty and eight (468) educandos ones, being thirty and seven (37) pupils of the Infantile Education; two hundred and seven (207), pupils of the first one to the fifth (1 to 5) year; one hundred and fifty and nine (159) pupils of sixth to the nineth (6 to 9) year; twenty and four (24) pupils of EJA (IV Etapa); forty and one (41) pupils of Average Ensino..

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