Application Plywood

Plywood is a sheet building material made from natural wood. The layers of veneer glued together, and, the direction of fibers in each alternate: the first is a longitudinal, in the second – cross in the third again lengthwise, etc. To improve the resistance of the material in bending and torsion fiber veneer can be placed at angles of 30 , 45 or 60 . Plywood, in which wood fibers have the same direction in all layers, called laminated or layered molded plywood drevesinoy.Vidy Depending on the type of wood that serves as material for manufacturing plywood is subdivided into pine and birch. The outer layers of softwood plywood made of pine, larch, spruce, fir and some cedar. Birch plywood is the outer layers of birch veneer. The inner layers of both types of plywood can be made from a hardwood veneer and softwood trees. In addition, properties and applications of plywood is subdivided into laminated bakelite, water-resistant, high water resistance, polished furniture and plywood .

By way of manufacturing distinguish planed, sawn and peeled veneers. The most common method is the last in which a thin layer of wood is cut from the ridge. Then the sheets of veneer are cut on the format you want and stick together a synthetic or natural adhesive. To ensure the required density and stiffness crafted packet of several layers of veneer being pressed at a temperature of 120 to 150 C. Get more background information with materials from Gavin Baker. Then the plywood sheets are cut on the edges to the standard size.

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