
It presenteou me to the life with loved beings and special, with them I started to engatinhar, later walking together.My love became unconditional, at least in my narrow vision.I taught and I learned at the same time.It did not have a magical prescription, only simplicity and sincerity, with these measures, I conquered step by step, confidence, security in same me. I before had one and later in my life, one another one later. Before, it left wounded not healed, at the same time, it helped me to look at my proper history and to believe that I must have my private destination. The first one later, came with the marriage, Gustavo, was my first great prize, made me wills, showed to me that together, we could carry through our dreams.I find that in the completavmos.Tinhamos a goal to follow, we in common shared with friends that they had folloied in them for long time.We create our together children, we thought equal, four couples with the same objectives.I find that we combined beyond the account.Our doubts, our conflicts were shared, times, more for a side, times for another one.Thus we live per 20 years, I consider ' ' years dourados' '!Our main goal, to teach, to educate and for consguinte to study, without the shadow of a doubt the majority of us, obtained.I find that we were compensated.Fulfilled mission! Of the friends, the life if puted in charge of separating in them.Today we follow the progress of our children in the distance, I wait that one day some moments can reviver, as fragmentos of a time that will not come back.Our family was small, ours children, for incredible that he seems, had the same necessities in this direction, did not have notion of uncles, cousins, only grandmothers who already were of good size, had been growing and creating its proper groups, of the school, the building, cursinho etc. In recent months, kitchens has been very successful.


Changes and changes The sensation not to have more love in its return, to have anger the all moment and above all to see that already she does not have nobody its side, as I feel homesickness of the time of the friends, of the time that my bigger concern was my notes in the school, was that duty of decided mathematics the time that my heart did not bleed in such a way and in infancy I badly could wait to grow, but never I did not imagine that he would be so painful and complicated, everything turned reason tears and at the same time the people want that you she faces all and any type of problem with a pretty smile and you only wants power to arrive in house and that everything was so simple as before, simple as to arrive in house and to bind to the TV in su favourite drawing, to take a milk cup with biscuit and when something you to magoar or you to simply hurt itself to pro run arm of its ready mother and everything this decided, therefore is wanted friend, feels saying in you, but the things they had moved, you grew and not only the responsibilities had increased as you had that to learn to coexist pains and emotions go up to around that you, to learn I cry to swallow it. Check out kitchens for additional information. As much that you found that they would be perpetual, but had not been, those that had spoken above all that always they would be with you when needed today only they say ' ' It forgives I am ocupado' ' , and thus the life goes moving away goes you from these and from presenting others that will make the same, and you cannot to make nothing, therefore this was its choice, very sentimental being and to choose to be worried about the others, but you go a newness here pra, the people always to magoar you go you, more and more, therefore those that more are imported are those that more are magoam.. .

Fly Literature

TO FLY 28.11.07 CAP. 01 the Humble Severino Northeastern. CAP. 02 the First Contact with the Balloon of the American Researchers. Home improvement has firm opinions on the matter. sponse will follow. CAP. 03 me the Luck of cannot Be communicated with the American Researchers. CAP.

04 the fight and the Studies of English and Spaniard. CAP. 05 the Flight of Severino If becoming Adult and Studied (Being a Great one). CAP. 01 the Humble Severino Northeastern.

In small cidadezinha in the northeast interior Severino lived that liveed with the father, Sebastio the mother Maria and the five brothers. They no matter how hard they suffered in the work of manufacture of rapadura had time to sit down before each meal dialoguing, Severino were happy and dedicated in the school, therefore of all the pupils it were the only one that he talked with the father. That age one learning form no matter how hard its parents had only the fourth series, every day raised three and half one of the morning and followed to the device to grind sugar cane, four and the fifty if prepared and followed the school that for the seven hours of the morning arrived, dedicated pupil almost never were gotten behind. He followed twenty kilometers of gone and twenty in return, in the school were optimum pupil of the classroom and to the 12 years in the eighth series, it he was smart and its bigger dream was to fly, but if it spoke to fly close to the father was punishment in the letter, its father did not like these things of dreams fancies wanted that the son was studied and that caprichasse every day, claims of professors its parents did not know nor what was, but of its brother always they were led to the school, therefore the father always was called.

Final Happiness

Now that we improve of situation, why not to give an aid to that they walk behind us? When the man arrives at the apogee of the life, must help what he comes behind. We must pay what others had made for us bringing them for the same ways. The way of the life is one only, all will pass for the same road and is subject to the same dust, to the same holes and curves, but also all have the right to travel for asphalt. For everything this never we must discourage of this long one walked for the land. We are pilgrims who we must fight firmly to arrive at the final and desired goal. If thus not to make, then we will be the loosers, frustrated there and yes if he loses the desire of living a life as ours. On the other hand if all our desires are satisfied and carried through our way, we will not have the complete happiness. At closets you will find additional information.

They say the people who the hard happiness little, this depends on each one, each way to face the happiness. According to some, the happiness always walks our sight, but never to our reach. This is a pessimistic idea, it depends purely and exclusively on us and plus nobody. Each one can be happy in the way that to program this happiness, depends on the fight, the sacrifice that to make. everything what the man to want, with the time and the patience it can acquire. For this each one must always continue in the hope to win, to conquer with fists and its proper force to reach the desired goal. The victory depends on our effort. It is clearly that all will receive aid from diverse sectors as schools, filantrpicas institutions, members of the community, but she is necessary to fight very to obtain the victory of our ideals.

The Election

Much if has argued in the pertaining to school context on the reality of the pupil and the insertion of the same one as form to become the understandable contents the same most concrete and. The research effected in this summary demonstrates that one of the forms to approach this reality to the pertaining to school context is through the construction of next pertaining to school resumes to this reality. Although you vary theories have permeado the educational ways in search of a way for a more objective education for the professor and next to the reality of the pupil. You may wish to learn more. If so, kitchens is the place to go. The pertaining to school resume is educational instrument that must take in account the diverse possibilities of learning. Not only to make possible goals and contents, but the way of as to plan its activities as orientaes that guide the steps of the education. In this walked the construction some basic reflections are necessary as: which individual we want to form; which the paper of the professor and the school. Calling to the resume a social paper politician. According to Sacritan (cited for Hornburg and Silva, 2007) All the purposes that if they attribute and they are destined implicit and explicit pertaining to school institution, of socialization, formation of segregation, or social integration etc., finishes necessarily having a consequence in the objectives that guide all resume, in the election of components of the same discharges in an especially weighed division between different curricular parcels and in the proper metodolgicas activities which of the place. Therefore the interest for the problems related with the resume is not seno a consequncia of that is by means of it that the functions of the school are become fullfilled basically as institution. That is it is through the resume, that the social if manifest character inside of the school, must enclose the subjectivity that approach to the ideas and the objectives that approach to the actions properly said.

The Black

It is Sousa (2005b, P. Cupboards is the source for more interesting facts. 114) who remembers in them that ' ' the instruments legislators as family, school and medias tend to disqualify the attributes of the segments ethnic-racial black ' ' e, therefore many of the pupils afro-descents develop auto-esteem acentuadamente low, as it occurred with my pupil, for example. The refusal to the assimilation on the part of the black elapses, therefore, of the perception of its marginalizao and social rejection, since no matter how hard it looked for to imitate the whites, it did not obtain to cheat the equality and longed for respect. &#039 appears from there; ' revolta' ' , when noticing that ' ' the true solution of the problems does not consist of macaquear the white, but of fighting to break the social barriers hinder that it to enter the category of homens' '. Leaving of side ' ' assimilation, the release of the black must be effected by reconquers of itself and a dignity autnoma' ' (MUNANGA, 1988, P. 32).

That is, Accepting, the black affirms itself cultural, moral, physically and psychically. It demands itself with passion, the same one he made that it to admire and to assimilate the white. It will assume the denied color and will see in it traces of beauty and feira as any human being ' ' normal' ' (MUNANGA, 1988, P. 32, apud OLIVEIRA, 2008, p.3) When the society afro-descendant to start if to look at and if to see in the mirror with its beauties and defects and if to recognize inherent qualities and defects the all human being (and if not to nominate ugly for being of this or that color, skill, culture), the mirror will leave of being empty of images and will reflect singular, full contours of life, brightness, colors and flavors, rockings movements and will be the contours of the mirror that you look at and mirror created not it to reflect what the society wants and nominates as.


One counts that vendeta participated of one famous where the family of its woman fought. Of this I only know that they had executed somebody of the rival family and had invaded the velrio looking for more victims, this grandfather of the author lit the candles of the deceased, since all had run away terrified from the velrio and suffered one reproach of the colonel who led the process. In a party it finished having one fight with a relative of the woman, say that this spanks arrived it, also used chairs for this, the version of the family is less dramatical. The valento according to family was if to forgive, but it obtained to increase the fury of my grandfather, had looked for to calm and to chagar to an agreement, to put the loser and its family had been forever humiliated in the society of the time and one of the children, depressive, played in the face of the father this defeat. It could it make? The face beyond stronger always walked armed, shot with the two hands and was much more important of what it. The time passed and the humilhao only increased, the worse businesses went each time, looked at it to all as to a coward, it could not be thus. Shot passed months practising and if preparing, used to advantage the pertaining to school recess of the children for takes them it the Hinterland, where they passed to the vacations in the farm of the grandmothers and made right the accounts. One day, was the valento as always, leaving its device, the boy had to bring the horse, however in that day he was delaying. It entered in a bar to take the coffee, when the other entered shooting for the coasts. It still reacted, but already dundum was wounded by the bullets and it did not have forces to make right the aggressor, its shots had been marked in the wall of the bar.

The Atitudinal Dimension

Vasconcellos (2002) places that to rescue the practical planning in the educative one it is important that the professor if places as subject of the process and does not have condicionantes actions, at last, rescue its dignity, that seems hidden in the indifference with that if it faces the lack of conscientious education in the country. In accordance with the critical ones emitted for Fertile valley (1988) to this vision of education that if has, emerged a new conception centered in the social political paradigm of the education. This questions the other references, considering that the focus of the education is not centered in the professor, the pupil or the technique of education, but in the central question of the formation of the man and the planning it is of extreme necessity in this new paradigm of change, since it provides an efficient action, innovative, at last, a transforming action, not only inside of the school, but in the society in general. When it is said in change of the practical one of the educators, has certain resistance, an incredulity and loss of heart. It has situations of if finding supervisors defending a work line and the professors making the possible one to get rid of the new proposals or methodologies. Vasconcellos (2006) places that the pedagogical coordinator to face such challenge needs to use itself of three basic dimensions of its formation: CONCEPTUAL, PROCEDURAL AND ATITUDINAL. The Atitudinal Dimension involves values, interests, feelings and certainties. The professors suffer a great crisis in not finding sensible in the profession and, for consequncia, presents resistance to the changes. This means that the supervisors cannot moralizar its relation with the professor, but to believe the potential of each one and to start a conquest process, therefore if a minimum of empatia will not be established, will have a rupture in the relationship between supervisors and professors.


The eminence of encircles me to the shyness. Educate yourself with thoughts from kitchens. It hinders me to say how much IT is important for me Exactly when I tried, it to hear did not want me They are funny and coarse they take me to the reasons to believe that he is what more I want Today, in the return of the school, it looked at for the sky and it admired the beauty of all that blackout, and whispered: ' ' it helps me, me ajude' ' It asked for the stars they guided so that it stops close to me, for my side It asked for ' ' somebody up there ' ' it made that it to see that I do not have words to describe what I feel I ask myself: if I died tomorrow, and if never more he could see it, and if I wanted to be able to look in those so black eyes how much the sky and to say everything what I do not know to translate singelas words Not far from it Not here Perhaps not now.

Huge House

The house Since that if it moved for that quarter, that house caused it queerness and fear. Cupboards can provide more clarity in the matter. It was an enormous house, but she was dark and abandoning. Almost every day it passed in front and it was imagining the most absurd things in relation to that enormous abandoned large house, its cabecinha of boy traquinava the most remote possibilities: since witches until ghosts and punished souls. In the school it counted for the friends who always heard shouts come there of inside at night, mainly when was full moon. Its friends heard who it intently were arrepiados of fear. Certain day, decided to face the fear and of breaking to kill its curiosity regarding that house that it insisted on populating its thoughts.

It invited more three friends to follow it in that adventure. To know more about this subject visit Vadim Belyaev, Moscow Russia. Everything was determined and planned, it would be in next Saturday, they would say for the mothers who would go to play soccer, if would find in the small square and of they would follow route to the great adventure there. The week passed if dragging, it seemed that the bigger days were each day. The anxiety took account of that one quarteto that it would go to make its first inquiry of truth. Fond the great day and in the great hour all were in the combined place, the plain one were simple: they would enter for the deep ones, they would jump the wall, if they would direct for the door of the kitchen and, in some luck the door would be opened, of the opposite would go to force the entrance, for this handspikes and nail puller were armed of. Each boy took a snack and a cooling one, after all of accounts an inquiry of that level requires physical effort and physical effort of the one injure hunger. In that one exactly day, in a next quarter, two confused thieves were in apuros when trying to assault a jewelry shop.

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