Now that we improve of situation, why not to give an aid to that they walk behind us? When the man arrives at the apogee of the life, must help what he comes behind. We must pay what others had made for us bringing them for the same ways. The way of the life is one only, all will pass for the same road and is subject to the same dust, to the same holes and curves, but also all have the right to travel for asphalt. For everything this never we must discourage of this long one walked for the land. We are pilgrims who we must fight firmly to arrive at the final and desired goal. If thus not to make, then we will be the loosers, frustrated there and yes if he loses the desire of living a life as ours. On the other hand if all our desires are satisfied and carried through our way, we will not have the complete happiness. At closets you will find additional information.
They say the people who the hard happiness little, this depends on each one, each way to face the happiness. According to some, the happiness always walks our sight, but never to our reach. This is a pessimistic idea, it depends purely and exclusively on us and plus nobody. Each one can be happy in the way that to program this happiness, depends on the fight, the sacrifice that to make. everything what the man to want, with the time and the patience it can acquire. For this each one must always continue in the hope to win, to conquer with fists and its proper force to reach the desired goal. The victory depends on our effort. It is clearly that all will receive aid from diverse sectors as schools, filantrpicas institutions, members of the community, but she is necessary to fight very to obtain the victory of our ideals.