
One counts that vendeta participated of one famous where the family of its woman fought. Of this I only know that they had executed somebody of the rival family and had invaded the velrio looking for more victims, this grandfather of the author lit the candles of the deceased, since all had run away terrified from the velrio and suffered one reproach of the colonel who led the process. In a party it finished having one fight with a relative of the woman, say that this spanks arrived it, also used chairs for this, the version of the family is less dramatical. The valento according to family was if to forgive, but it obtained to increase the fury of my grandfather, had looked for to calm and to chagar to an agreement, to put the loser and its family had been forever humiliated in the society of the time and one of the children, depressive, played in the face of the father this defeat. It could it make? The face beyond stronger always walked armed, shot with the two hands and was much more important of what it. The time passed and the humilhao only increased, the worse businesses went each time, looked at it to all as to a coward, it could not be thus. Shot passed months practising and if preparing, used to advantage the pertaining to school recess of the children for takes them it the Hinterland, where they passed to the vacations in the farm of the grandmothers and made right the accounts. One day, was the valento as always, leaving its device, the boy had to bring the horse, however in that day he was delaying. It entered in a bar to take the coffee, when the other entered shooting for the coasts. It still reacted, but already dundum was wounded by the bullets and it did not have forces to make right the aggressor, its shots had been marked in the wall of the bar.

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