Category Archives: News

The Person

Vico comments the Barbarous mentality and the argument of the Iliad: the disagreement between a dull sovereign and hero rude. The biggest personages of this poem, are sufficiently inconvenient for our parameters of civility. Homero made many comparisons to leave of feras and other wild things. This would be necessary to become to understand for vulgo fierce and wild. Everything… (more…)


Dicto to simpliciter (general rule): It occurs when a general rule is applied to a particular case where the rule would not have to be applied. Former: ' ' If you killed somebody, you must go for cadeia.' ' (one does not apply the certain cases). See more detailed opinions by reading what Owings & Merrill offers on the topic..… (more…)

Airplane Comfort

In the best airlines we have implemented the use of buses so that you go and you come comfortably to the different airports. Despreocpate in the flights, and fixes everything before. In order to reserve your transport in the airport or in anyone of the modules, you only must follow the following steps. Ritchie Smith Associates is the source for… (more…)


I was knowing, through an inquiry made for my uncle Isaiah, who liveed in the district, but this voted in the headquarters, that ' ' meus' ' voters venderam the vote for a candidate for cinquenta real. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Gavin Baker. Of a voter I avenged myself. The defendant who would go the jury before… (more…)


Stairs should be comfortable and safe, durable, have the necessary bandwidth (width) for the transfer of furniture and equipment, evacuation of people in emergency situations, as well as to meet fire requirements. The main purpose of fencing for the stairs – to ensure convenient and safe movement of the stairs in multi-level housing. It keeps people in accidental falls during… (more…)


To distribute properly the salon, first thing recommended is making a floor plan on graph paper, marking the doors, Windows and columns, if you have them. From there, start to draw the basic pieces of furniture. The style and color must be very clear style that you want to give to the classroom; Classic, rustic, design, etc. And, of course,… (more…)

Soil Samples

When deciding on the color delsuelo to the diferenteshabitaciones of the House we must remember certain aspects, such as the effect that created the light and the dark colors, ladecoracion room and the dimensions of the same. Clear grounds reflect light and give visual amplitude, so they are ideal for dark rooms or small spaces. This type of soils have… (more…)

House Technology

Alexei Kokorin – representative of the Russian branch of wwf (World Wildlife Fund) – advises the change, first of all, our consumer habits: do not leave lighted lamps in empty rooms, turn off unused appliances, more opportunities to use natural lighting. Experts also recommend to follow the example of Europe and abandon the incandescent lamps. They are extremely inefficient convert… (more…)

Energy Saving

Electric light applys electricity and contributes not only to making the day longer but also improves the people’s living conditions. Electrical energy transformed light source – a lamp with a lamp located therein, in light, is in the future to create indoor artificial lighting. Traditionally, there are incandescent and the new lamps Cons: high heat, fragility, significant consumption of electricity… (more…)

Professional Installation Of Interior Doors

Interroom door can be delivered to you assembled or unassembled. The composition of modern door system should be ready to enter the door frame, hinges, stop, sills, lock plate, and trim, which can have already finished look, if they cut off an angle of 45 . Installation of interior doors is always the same sequence. It begins with careful preparation… (more…)

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