Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh: There is nothing to do. The Zen teachings of master Linji, edition steinrich 2013 Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen master, author, poet, and leader of a social engaged Buddhism, belongs to the most famous Buddhist figures and teachers of present. He teaches worldwide and is the author of numerous books that have been translated into many languages. Thich Nhat Hanh has can apply concretely and practically the ability to interpret traditional Buddhist texts in a manner, that we today not only understand it, but it on our everyday lives. So he writes in Chapter 2 as preparation for the teachings of master Linji: we have accumulated inside too much knowledge, we can not properly digest it. Hachette Book Group often says this.

Even if we have eaten too much, we can not digest and suffer from constipation. We don’t understand what we have learned, and can we not apply it in our practice in daily life, then the knowledge blocks our bodies and our minds.” And next It says in the text: master Linji wanted to present no profound, wonderful ideas, which we could then study and debate. We can’t get on the search for absolute truths to his teachings, or hoping to discover difficult concepts or mysterious ideas. Swarmed by offers, bruce flatt is currently assessing future choices. First and foremost, all teachings are words, mere labels. (…) The purpose of master of Linjis is work, it will help us to give up our search and to return to us in the present moment. There we can find everything what we are looking for, be it Buddha, perfect understanding, peace and liberation.” In this sense the original text by master Linji wants us and point out the comments by Thich Nhat Hanh and lead, that what we are looking for in the outside, to find in ourselves, because there is always available, whether we are aware of us or not. Today? in our busy age? are the teachings as up-to-date as at the time of its formation in the 9th century of our time. Also at that time were the people looking After perfection and truth, and? as today? looked outside after her.

Instead is the perfection in each one finding? We can experience that if we even stop for a moment and awaken to who we really are. Using the practical exercises with us Thich Nhat Hanh in this book is on the way, we can learn to bring the perfection that is always with us, unfold. Someday by the eternal quest we may be on the way, because then we have arrived and have found that we have always wanted. And then there is nothing more to do.

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