Job Demand-control Model. (139)

There is an interesting phenomenon: self-exploitation (slope + drive)! We all know the phenomenon: when we do what we like to do (intrinsic motivation), then we forget about the time and effort (flow state: positive stress). We exploit our own. Mothers know that, at critical stages of life of their children. And people who made her hobby into her profession. The self-exploitation (self-determination) underlying two parameters, making the likelihood of disease predictable: the job demand-control model is the estimation of stress and strain factors in the working environment.

the Job Demands (the work requirements) and the Job decision Latitude (room for manoeuvre, and autonomy in the workplace). Note: The positive flow (self-determination, lust) changes imperceptibly in the negative work load (third-party determination) with equal work request! And this lack autonomy (frustration) leads to negative stress and burnout as the Unterforderung in the profession (bore out)! Not the amount of work and request! A phenomenon is a psycho somatic illness, which puts the person concerned always for a long time than battle: burn out > a burnout syndrome, from burnt his is a State of outspoken emotional exhaustion with reduced efficiency. It can be described as final State of a line of development that starts with an idealistic enthusiasm and frustrating experiences leads to disillusionment and apathy, depression, psychosomatic disorders and an increased risk of addiction or aggressiveness. The Burnout-Syndrome is recognized internationally as the disease, but is considered a problem of tackling life (see ICD). It is a physical, emotional and mental exhaustion due to occupational overload.

This is mostly caused by stress, which can not be dealt with due to the reduced capacity. ICD-10 online (WHO version 2013) Z73 problems related to difficulties in tackling life Z73. 0 off burned his (burn-out, state the total Exhaustion) > stress, referred to by specific external stimuli (stressors) caused mental and physical reactions in living things, that enable to cope with special requirements, and on the other hand the resulting physical and mental stress.

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