Before sticking the project, it is important to assemble it without glue to see which are the necessary adjustments that they are due to realise. This step verifies that the individual parts fit like a whole. For the assembled one in dry, it tries to use the same materials that soon will use to beat. Preparation for the patch Possibly, all the projects must happen through this culminating point that is the process of the patch. Perhaps it is even the step funniest, but as well most dangerous. After giving form him and to measure the work pieces, and to place marks like for example a the left and to the right, all the parts must be assembled.
So that the project does not go to ruin, you must develop a systematic method and fast to take she advanced it. The glue can alter to the size of the wood, increasing the possibilities of constructing a product of low quality. The necessary materials for the patch are: a bottle of glue with its applicator, clean water, a sponge, applicators of glue (brush or a wood rod of 1/8 xs x 3 inches of size), wood clips of different sizes (of noble wood or overlay) had with tape to mask, and screws. But before beginning the patch process it must consider the following advice: it accommodates the pieces in sequence; it considers if the size of the work table is sufficiently great; it covers the surface with work with paper and transfers the wood blocks by hand. The tie points the unions of the project, in the same way that the unions of the body, hold two materials. With the glue it does not only reach to assure that those two materials remain together because many factors exist that can affect the adhesion. The humidity is one of these factors that can affect the wood, because it affects the size directly. The size falls when the humidity leaves the wood and it expands when it is absorbed.
The unions not only provide a mechanical adhesion between two materials, but also they increase the patch surface; therefore, the unions are essential for the accomplishment of a project. Patch and Held After to have spent long time of preparation, finally will be ready to stick and to hold its work. But before realising these two processes, it must include/understand the moderation concept, because it cannot allow excesses in these steps. In order to realise the patch, it applies force sufficient to fit the clips. An excessive amount of glue or force to hold the clips brings about a bad union. In addition, it does not have to forget to assure that the surfaces clean and are prepared to obtain a strong patch. Finished to this point the project almost it is finalized. The last challenge is the one of the finished one. Like in any other project, the one is the end item that matters, and not it preliminary version, therefore, this step is decisive for the success of the project. I touch end include I mend of defects and the refinement of the surface.