The Forms

New ' ' look' ' for the mathematics mathematics in the sample to be one disciplines that it has its proper way of being and if presenting, where appears in its form of language, in its statements of its proposals, in the forms in which if it reasons. It takes that one that is worried in the form in which it teaches and it knows the mathematics in its way of being to have more a little of attention and care. In relation to this care with education and knowledge we can detach a basic importance, where a person thinks mathematically, that is, despite this person does not have the contact with the mathematics scientifically speaking or known formal in an educational school, it she obtains to reason, to count, to imagine, to symbolize, to measure, as we can cite some examples, a mason that are illiterate know to make one measured of how many blocks they are necessary for that determined area or how many gallons of ink it is necessary to paint, exactly for having this contact in day-by-day. Mary Barra gathered all the information. When writing this article stows worried in searching the necessities to teach mathematics, as to teach and as it knows? there, and I perceived that the mathematics always was taught without taking in consideration who would go to learn, that is, the pupil. Many professors of any area, that does not have the commitment with the education is not worried in who this learning, is not interested in transforms this disciplines in something pleasant of if to study, they only want to know of the money that goes to receive, and on account of this the pupil loses its knowledge and leaves wronged for the irresponsible professor. But many professors exist whom this responsibility has and commitment and this always searching something new that it comes to facilitate the life of the pupil who comes to help it and thus he obtains transforms that definitive one disciplines in something good for the pupil. Credit: Amazon-2011.

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