Provincial Schools

There will be then put to review how old closet, in fact the authorities of other provincial schools have already begun to search their files and furniture documents historical as the basis for future regional museums. Well, make the Museum then, but Sarmiento, or perhaps the province has no real heroes to us release of the farce. How much longer we have to continue to endure the myth of the father of the classroom, this big lie of elementary school with which I was scammed and that now seek to defraud my children. Sarmiento has a single merit that it stands out as a public man, and is the Sarmiento writer, but nothing more than that, although he used his sharp pen against his homeland as I have already pointed out. And I reiterate, if they are fools, that come to libraries, they lean to Sarmiento, and if they can, to justify his thinking, will no doubt be a very fun task. A man from the province of Buenos Aires, also stood out as a virtuoso writer, author of a work that surpasses all them who could have written the sanjuanino, teachers, without modesty, but also without guilt, dare to look as if it were the two contemporary friends, deserves that place, a man who not only Sarmiento scorned but he condemned to death, the great Jose Hernandez. Dear staff of education of the province of Buenos Aires, animate to know the true Sarmiento, just tolerate this farce called euphemistically official history. Mythical tale which incredibly successive Governments, even of different ideologies, do not dare to undress to show the true gift nobody. I share the opinion of those who think that peronism was lost a great opportunity in the first decade of its existence, because I escamoteo not only the necessary backing to the revisionists, but in a moment as patriotic as it was the nationalization of the railroads, then proceeded to baptize the several branches with the names of the main protagonists of the liberal history, among them Sarmiento, since only San Martin and Belgrano met merits to spare.

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