Intellectual Transformation

The main objective for the accomplishment of this article is to alert the schools, professors and researchers on the importance of the verbal language, as a way of social and intellectual transformation in the life educating it. To read more click here: Mary Barra. Based in the research and theories elaborated in this area it can directly be observed studies directed toward the acquisition of the language, that is, the concern of as the man acquires this phenomenon is bigger of what the interest in questioning on the contributions for the human development, a time that the verbal language is the faster media, direct and efficient between the people. Unhappyly, exactly with the advances and improvements in the education methodologies, it is not observed still in the schools, a work directed to the importance of this language, and being a rich environment of cultural and social diversities, the education institutions would have to fulfill its papers while formadores and incentivadores of transforming agents in the society.

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