Gordon Brown

Perhaps the day in which Gordon Brown fulfilled a year in the British premierato its party received the worse electoral beating of its history. That day vowed in Henley to see that it would replace to the new mayor in curul parliamentary that it left. In those elections the laborismo removed as soon as a 3% and being fifth (even underneath the neoNazis) and with almost 20 votes less than its victorious rivals. It can be turning into the British governor who more express has seen collapse its popularity. According to the surveys it happened to get in his first trimester to be 10 points over his preservative rival Cameron to fall less than to half of the support that it today has. Leaders of other parties say to him that he happened to be a Gordon Flash to be a Crash Gordon, or to have been a Stalin to be a Mister Bean. Crash has struck him economic but mainly the dear salary to stop the conservatives copying itself of its policies consequently nor has managed to pierce in the social bases of its opponents and has alienated widely to the traditional ones of the laborismo.

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