Effect Act

According to MIZUKAMI (1986), in the teach-learning the behaviors of the pupils are listed and kept for conditionings and arbitrary reinforcements such as compliments, degrees, notes, prizes, recognition of the professor and colleagues, prestige, etc. In the comportamentalismo, the man is considered as a consequence of the influences of the environment, is considered as product of way (MIZUKAMI, 1986) and this can be manipulated. So that the formularization of the relations between the organism and its environment is adjusted, it is necessary to consider three aspects: the occasion in which the reply it occurred, the proper reply and the strengthened consequences. The relation between these elements constitutes the reinforcement contingencies. 3.2Os theoreticians and its contributions 3.2.1Thorndike and the Laws of the Edward learning Lee Thorndike created a boarding that called conexismo.

According to it, if somebody analyzed the mind human being would find connections of changeable force between situations, elements of situations, answers, promptitudes to answer, facilitations, inhibitions and directions of answers. If all these elements could completely be inventoried, disclosing what the man thinks and makes, and what he satisfies it it opposes, in all conceivable situation, nothing would be of it are. It to learn is to establish connections, therefore the mind is the system of connections of the man (THORNDIKE, 1931). Academy of Art University may also support this cause. The incorporation or reduction of one given reply was legalized by Thorndike as the Law of the Effect: ' ' all the act that, in one given situation, produces satisfaction, is associated to this situation, thus, when the situation if repeats, the act has more probability of if repeating of what antes' '. Inversely, ' ' all the act that, in one given situation, produces discomfort, becomes dissociado of this situation, thus, when the situation if repeats, the act has little probability of if repeating of what antes' '. One another formulated law and that it goes of meeting with this, is the Law of the Exercise or Law of the Use and the Disuse: ' ' all the reply given in a particular situation is associated to this situation.

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