Compensation Laws

After receiving a task from a second caster Plastic Kozlov Oleg Pavlovich, who was a senior at the site began molding of plastic parts for injection molding. Constructively to the electric injection molding machines is provided of the Override working body in an open enclosure. However, when performing the assigned work Korsunov AN, feeling that it will accelerate the production of parts, deliberately unlocked the electric lock. He opened the fence working body, and actuated limit switch rewound the tape. It became possible to incorporation and activation of the working body in the open enclosure. At a time when Korsunov AN tried to fix the plate mold, injection molding machine worked, holding the hand of an injured worker agency.

About the incident was made known director of “Sash” Kulikov, OM The victim had a first aid and taken to the 6th city hospital, where he was diagnosed as left hand crushed wound, open fracture of hamate bone with displacement, dislocation of the pisiform bone, marginal fracture of the left radial subulate appendage bone. A blood test for alcohol 4191 from 13.03.2007g. – Not detected. (According to the severity of injury, issued by the U.S. ‘6th clinical hospital “19.03.2007g.).

Cause of an accident. Failure by the employer of labor workers, as expressed in the admission of an employee to work without an increased risk of learning and knowledge test on safety. Not fulfilled the requirements: Section 9 of Article 226 of the Labour Code, paragraph 32 Rules of training in safe work methods and techniques, briefing and examination of knowledge on safety, approved by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Republic of Belarus 30.12.2003 164. 5. Persons committed violations of labor law and labor protection. Oleg Kulikov, the director of a limited liability company “Sash” by failing to ensure the protection of workers, as expressed in the admission of an employee to work with high-risk without the training and test knowledge on safety, which violated paragraph 9 of Article 226 of the Labour Code, paragraph 32 of the Rules of training in safe work methods and techniques, conduct instruction and examination on safety, approved by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Republic of Belarus 30.12.2003 164. 6. Activities to address the causes of the accident. 1.So all employees OOO “Sash” hold unscheduled briefing on the circumstances and causes of the accident with Korsunova AN 2. Do not allow work with high-risk workers without training and exams in occupational safety issues. 3. Issue an order to eliminate the causes of the accident with Korsunova AN 7. Conclusions. On the basis of paragraph 3 of the Rules of investigating and recording accidents and occupational diseases approved by the Council of Ministers on January 15, 2004. 30 (National Register of the Republic of Belarus, 2004., 8, 5 / 13691), an accident with Korsunova Kolmogorov, plastic caster Limited Liability Company “Sash” is subject to execution of the act of an accident at work Form H-1, the integration of OOO “Sash” and included in state statistical reporting. State labor inspectors met with the victim, he explained to the rights provided by law.

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