Directly by Mathias Acar, head of Helpten Central Europe, come the info about new developments for the in-house telematics app. Berlin, 10.12.2012. Directly by Mathias Acar, head of Helpten Central Europe, come the info about new developments for the in-house telematics app. These should can spend not only more data, but use them even partially for suitable functions. Already to the solemn ceremony of the Telematics Awards 2012 Helptens Europchef Mathias Srinu addressed the technologies currently in development. So, the winners in the category of ECO telematics, extensions for its hardware planned to expose even more vehicle data.

It is interesting to now, but above all the way the Helptens app to break. “We have a development team, its value is to weigh up not using gold. You provide us with new ideas for the different markets. Our task is only to bring the best in series and our customers to give. “explains Mathias Acar and goes then more detail: “our app already offers a variety of options and supports our customers enormously in their work, or on the dashboard because it constantly cut a key money in the Pocket has. In the future the app will even exploit the data, which has so far only in detail given to the entrepreneurs and drivers and to take into account information from the entire telematics system.” This involves, for example, a function, linked to the Auftragsmangement navigation and Helptens analysis of the weather conditions. This then leads to the following situation: the unit receives an order which you directly allocates the appropriate driver. It receives the order information to do so on his Smartphone and tablet.

This does not however, remains. The app provides the best route to the job now on the one hand and measures the scheduled journey time still, she informed in time but also the driver, when he should start the trip to be on time on the spot. The essential detail here is that the Any realistic travel time to spend and the driver, in difficult weather conditions such as snow, recycled app weather data, one to inform in a timely manner. “No contractor may require its riders to have a same style, such as snow and cold in the depths of winter when the sun shines. Our app provides for clear conditions – even in very dark conditions”, Mathias Acar describes the value of this telematics app. Click here to go to the message on telematics

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